Meet Mounds

Mounds is another one of our Spanish does. She is the most friendly by far. She is always the one to come over to you to say hello or check your pockets for treats. Mounds is the only one of the Spanish does who seems to want me around when she is ready to kid. She just like Caramilk and Fudge (you can read about them here) is from the Valera lines.

 Mounds has kidded with us three times now always having twins but her first two kiddings she gave birth to one perfectly health baby and one stillborn. So this year when she went into labor I kept a close eye on her. I am thrilled to say she gave birth to two beautiful healthy kids. One buck and One doe. Look for a blog post in the coming week about these two cuties.

Why I Want To Meet My Meat.

I can’t tell you how many times, when asked what we do here at Silk Tree Farm, someone will say “I think what you do is great but I don’t want to meet my meat.”

Many of you who know me know how much I love food and love to cook. As my love for cooking grew, so did my knowledge about where my food came from. The more I learned the less I wanted to feed myself and my family factory farmed food.

We always had a small vegetable garden so for a very short time I made Meatless Monday an everyday event, but we missed having meat in our diet. At that point, I purchased 1/4 side of beef and 1/2 of a hog from a local farm. My lack of skill in cooking healthy farm raised meat had me serving overcooked meat for a little while, but once I got the hang of cooking it we couldn’t believe how much better it was. It was so much better than what we were used to buying from the store. It was amazing how the meat not only tasted better, but I felt better eating it and I knew I could never go back.

We all want to eat good food but for me, I really wanted to know that the food I was eating was raised in a healthy happy environment.

I fell in love with farming after getting a couple of dairy goats so I could make cheese for my family. It wasn’t too long after the goats arrived that we added a few laying hens. This is where I really began to connect with my food. It was as simple as watching my chickens peck at the grass. I remember an afternoon we had a storm and no one was home. The chickens had been free ranging in the yard and the wind had blown the door to the hens’ coop shut so they couldn’t get back inside. It was very windy and raining really hard and I found them huddled in front of the coop door.  It took a week for those hens to start laying again because they had been so distressed. From that day on we always secured the coop door so it couldn’t shut unless we shut it.  Then we ordered a few meat birds and I went through the process of raising them, feeding and caring for them every day. When it came time to process them we took them to a friend’s farm and they taught me how to process them. Although this was very hard for me, I became more connected to my food and to the responsibility for these animals.  We do our best to provide these animals with calm, happy and stress free lives.   There is nothing better than watching my goats grazing out on the pasture or my pigs rooting in the field. When we go out to their pastures they come running happily to us. They know that we provide them with food and water and love every day.

People ask me how it is that I can eat the food I raise. I won’t tell you it is easy but I eat meat and if I am going to eat meat I want to be responsible for that choice. I want to know that it was raised in open air and sunshine. I want to know that it had a good life.  I want to know that it ate the food it was meant to eat, had fresh water and clean bedding. I believe that the positive energy we put into the people, animals, and the work we do in our lives comes back to us.

When eating an animal that I have raised, I also believe in honoring and being conscious of that animal’s life. I don’t waste anything. We eat all cuts of the meat. I render the lard from the pigs and use it. I also don’t feed my family as much meat as I did when I bought it in the stores. I add meat to our meals but it isn’t always the  main component. I can remember years ago buying family packs of chicken breasts at the grocery store. I don’t eat like that anymore. If I cook a chicken we eat the legs and thighs, we make chicken salad for lunch, and then use whatever is left to make chicken stock.

As you know, we also raise Spanish Goats. They are a meat breed which is listed on the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste. You can read about it here. We have amazing goat sausage available. Our goat sausage averages about 95% lean. This is leaner than most chicken or turkey sausage yet it is tender and juicy and has a texture closer to pork sausage. It comes in Sweet Italian, Cajun, Breakfast and Kielbasa links.

We have Red Wattle pork. Red Wattle pork is also listed on the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste. You can read about it here. These pictures show our first meal.  I cooked these chops very simply: salt & pepper, a drizzle of olive oil, and a fresh sage leaf pressed into each side of the chops. I then seared them in a hot cast iron skillet about 3-5 minutes per side depending on the thickness. Then let them rest for about 10 minutes.

Silk Tree Farm now has our heritage breed meats available for purchase from our farm. Along with letting you know what meats we have available, I will also try to start posting recipes on how to cook each cut of meat.

Here Come the Turkeys!


Last Spring we began our journey with our heritage breed Narragansett turkeys. We purchased our turkey chicks from Sand Hill Preservation Center. We raised them in turkey tractors making sure they had fresh grass daily. This spring our Narragansett hens started laying there first eggs. They had not gone broody yet so we were collecting the eggs and hatching the baby turkeys in our incubator with less than great result.


Once we moved them out to the pasture they almost immediately went broody. We have been patiently waiting for baby turkeys. The first hen’s clutch of eggs never hatched but since then we have had two more hens go broody together side by side. This is so new to us and I had just expressed to Tom that I was getting concerned about the hens. They had been sitting on the clutch of eggs for what seemed to be longer than the 28 days it takes to hatch baby turkeys.


Well this morning I had just come in from milking and Tom said to me “I know what you can blog about today. Baby turkeys!” I was so excited I ran out to the pasture.  What an amazing sight! These are the moments in farming that I feel so blessed to witness.  There was this hen sitting on a clutch of eggs and tucked right under her wing we could see this tiny head peek out! Mom hen was fiercely guarding her baby. If you are patient and look closely in the video below you will see the baby turkey.

Moving Day


Today it was time to move our Does to a new section of the pasture. Above you can see how well they cleared the area they were in. As I mentioned in my previous post Grass to Goat Milk we had divided the girls into groups of four. We needed one of the electrical nettings to set up a new area so we put all the girls together in one section while we took down other section.


Tom then mows a path so the electric netting won’t arc out on the tall grass. Although the grass is up to three feet tall mixed with briars, Tom is able to clear the paths with just a push mower.

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The next step is moving the shelters that Nick and Tom built you can read about these in Nicks post New Shelters. Tom and I moved them with two dollies. On our first try we almost tipped it over but once we got the dollies lined up right it went very smoothly.


Next we set up the electrical netting. We really like this fencing it is fast and easy enough for one person to set up alone. They come with built in step posts so you can set the posts into the ground with your foot.

Finally it is time to move the does to there new area of pasture.

The video is best viewed in full screen.

Once the goats were munching away we set up the second area and divided the girls back up. The pasture is so lush you can barely see the very happy goats!


Who we are?

Silk Tree Farm is a small farm, located in Little Compton R.I.  All of our animals are raised on pastures that we lease along with a farmhouse, on property that is under a conservation easement with the Nature Conservancy. Our focus is to raise healthy happy animals.

Here at Silk Tree Farm we are committed to raising Heritage Breed Livestock. We believe it is vital to preserve these animals in order to protect our food system. ~Cathy B, Owner & Founder

If you visit the farm you will find that we have a variety of animals. It all began with Nigerian Dwarf goats, that we raised and bred. These wonderful animals are known for their gentle nature and high butterfat content in their milk. The milk they produce is what we use to make our handcrafted Natural Goat Milk Soaps.

You may also find Spanish Goats. In the spring of 2014 we purchased our starter herd of Spanish Goats from The Swiss Village Foundation located in Newport RI. This Spanish breed of goat is known for their meat and for their brush clearing ability.

We also raise Red Wattle Pigs. They are known for being making the Livestock Conservancy threatened list and their unique wattles. Also, they  are listed on the Slow Food Arc of Taste as being prime pork. We are hoping to have pork available late summer to the fall of 2015.

Lastly,our farm is home to Narragansett Turkeys, Black Jersey Giant Chickens, and Dorking Chickens. Both of these heritage chicken breeds are known for quality meat and egg production.

If you would to purchase our handcrafted products, they are available in stores, online , and at local farmers markets.

  • All Natural Goat Milk Soap Bars
  • Liquid Goat Milk Hand Soap
  • Body Wash
  • Goat Milk Shampoo
  • Hand Poured Soy Wax Candles

#silktreefarm #heritagebreeds #goatsmilk #farmlife #rhodeisland #sustainability #PastureRaisedLivestock #farmers markets